ACB Advocacy Update

ACB Legislative Imperative: Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act

March 31, 2023

Episode Description

It is time for Congress to update the accessible video and communications requirements of the CVAA. In the 117th Congress, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA-18) introduced the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act of 2022 (S. 5121 & H.R. 9333). The CVTA reaffirms our nation’s commitment to accessible communications and video technologies for people who are blind, low vision, and Deafblind. Once passed, this legislation will:

  • Improve and expand audio description standards for television programming and online video streaming platforms to ensure that people with disabilities have equitable access to the wide range of programming available to the general public;
  • Update current requirements to ensure viewers can easily activate and select preferred settings for audio description on their video programming devices, such as televisions, smart phones, laptops, and tablets;
  • Require the Federal Communications Commission to ensure that all video conferencing services, including those used for telehealth, distance learning, and social and civic engagement, are accessible to people with disabilities, including people who are blind, low vision, and Deafblind; and,
  • Empower the FCC to ensure accessibility regulations keep pace with emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence and augmented or virtual reality platforms.

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ACB Legislative Imperative: The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act

March 31, 2023

Episode Description

In the fall of 2022, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) introduced The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act in the Senate. Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD-03) introduced a version of the bill in the House of Representatives. This bill would establish clear and enforceable accessibility standards for websites and software applications. The bill uses a functional definition of accessibility, ensuring that any regulations created after this bill is passed and signed into law remain evergreen and up to date with new and emerging technology. The “Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act” would clarify that it is unlawful for the entities currently covered by the ADA to maintain inaccessible websites and applications that exclude or otherwise discriminate against people with disabilities. It would establish a clear, enforceable accessibility standard, and establish a technical assistance center and advisory committee to provide advice and guidance on accessible websites and applications. It would also authorize a study on addressing emerging technologies.

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ACB Legislative Imperative: Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act

March 31, 2023

Episode Description

On March 1, 2023, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act  in the House of Representatives. The goal of this act is to make home use medical equipment and devices accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals in the United States. If passed, this legislation would amend the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish non-visual accessibility standards for Class II and III devices with digital interfaces. Class II and III devices include devices that are more invasive and involve a higher risk of injury or death, so it is much more important that these devices are used safely and as directed. The FDA would, in consultation with the U.S. Access Board, set regulations and a final rule according to those standards. The passage of this legislation would make it easier for people who are blind and low vision to manage their health safely and independently by ensuring that product manufacturers incorporate accessible design in the beginning stages of development for home use medical devices. This bill has 32 original co-sponsors and is bipartisan with 3 Republicans and 29 Democrats.

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ACB Legislative Imperative: The Exercise and Fitness for All Act

March 31, 2023

Episode Description

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), along with Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), introduced the Exercise and Fitness for All Act (S. 2504) in the 117th Congress in 2021. The goal of this bill was to make exercise equipment and fitness instruction fully accessible to people with disabilities. A version of the bill was introduced in the House as H.R. 4756 by Representatives Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) and Don Young (R-AK). Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) was also a co-sponsor. If passed, the bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish guidelines relating to the number and types of accessible fitness equipment gyms and other fitness facilities are required to have, require the DOJ to publish regulations relating to the guidelines requiring fitness facilities to provide accessible equipment and classes, and would ensure that there is at least one staff member at the facility that is trained in providing assistance to a person with a disability and in operating the accessible equipment.

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2023 DC Leadership Conference: DeafBlind Advocacy

March 30, 2023

DeafBlind Advocacy Description

Advocacy for the DeafBlind Community: What Should ACB Leaders Understand to Include the Needs of DeafBlind Individuals in Our Advocacy Efforts: Moderator: Kim Charlson, ACB Past President, Watertown, MA; Carl Richardson, ADA Coordinator, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA; Koni Sims, ACB Board of Directors, Sioux Falls, SD; and Megan Conway, PH.D., Director, Information, Research and Professional Development, Helen Keller National Center, Healdsburg, CA

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2023 DC Leadership Conference: Congressional Priorities with U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell

March 23, 2023

Episode Description

During this session at the ACB Legislative Seminar, Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06( joins Clark and Swatha to share her priorities for the 118th Congress as the new Co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Disabilities Caucus.

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Disability Advocacy at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

February 23, 2023

Learn more about the Transportation Research Board at Transportation Research Board | National Academies

On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha is joined by Sarah Malaier (Senior Advisor for Public Policy and Research at the American Foundation for the Blind) and Chris Bell (ACB Board Member) to recap their experiences at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, an annual policy and research conference focused on transportation and infrastructure. Swatha, Chris, and Sarah attended on behalf of ACB and AFB to advocate and influence policy and research on behalf of individuals with disabilities with regard to transportation and infrastructure. They discuss takeaways, impressions, and the importance of attending and participating in TRB in this capacity. To learn more about AFB: @AFB1921 on Twitter, and the American Foundation for the Blind on LinkedIn and Facebook. Research reports are available at

To learn more about ACB’s Transportation and Pedestrian Environment Access Committees: Transportation Committee | American Council of the Blind ( and Pedestrian Environmental Access Committee | American Council of the Blind (

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2023 at ACB

February 21, 2023

Episode Description

On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha bring ACB Executive Director Eric Bridges and ACB President Dan Spoone back to map out the year ahead at the American Council of the Blind. Topics we cover include the Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar in March, the Annual Conference and Convention in July, and the fall Audio Description Awards Gala.

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Recapping the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show, Part II

February 9, 2023

Episode Description

On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark is joined by Greg Stilson, Head of Global Technology Innovation, American Printing House for the Blind, regarding his and APH’s experience at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show. We discuss Greg’s impression of CES and experience as an exhibiter showcasing technology for APH. Also, they discuss the Accessibility Leaders Roundtable hosted by the Consumer Technology Association Foundation in which ACB and APH participated. To learn more about the American Printing House for the Blind, please visit

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Recapping the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show, Part I

February 6, 2023

Episode Description

On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark is joined by Kat Zigmont, Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, regarding her and WID’s experience at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show. ACB and WID were invited to participate as part of the Consumer Technology Association Foundation’s Accessibility Leaders cohort. They discuss the evolution of accessible technology and why it is important to have disability inclusion at major industry conventions, like CES. To learn more about the World Institute on Disability as they celebrate their 40th anniversary, please visit:

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